I-144 – Riccardo Rivano

Chair / Semester: Seminar of „Building Elements Design“ / 2020
Location: Dubai / United Arab Emirates

The Story Behind the Picture:

Guardian of Heritage

«This photograph captures a poignant moment at the UAE Dubai Expo 2020 Pavilion, where intangible and tangible heritage con- verge. Amidst the pavilion‘s pristine white splendor, a dedicated staff member dressed in gray walks with purpose, adorned with a face mask. With unwavering commitment, the staff member strives to ensure every detail is perfect, creating a memorable experience for tourists. The pavilion, a testament to architectural brilliance by Santiago Calatrava, stands tall in the background, reflecting the UAE‘s rich cultural legacy.

The image portrays a harmonious fusion of tradition and moderni- ty, where the staff member‘s attire symbolizes diligence and dedi- cation to preserving heritage amidst changing times. As the staff member walks, their actions mirror the UAE‘s vision of presenting its heritage to the world with impeccable grace. The pavilion be- comes a beacon of cultural exchange, inviting visitors to immerse themselves in the country‘s history and aspirations.»